We left off where the hormones were not helping my mood swings. Stress was taking over everything in my life. There was a ton of stuff going on and it was out of control. I had demanded blood work and they increased my dosage of hormones. I was hanging on for the last couple of years, spinning my wheels and getting no where. Working my butt off and not being able to pay the bills. Living for a purpose of survival only. What a way to go, day after day...
Here I am, looking at back surgery at some point, a bad knee, insurance up the wazoo and not making enough to live on still... What to do? My doctor could tell that the hormones were not working really well and put me on an antidepressant in Feb. of 2002. Wow, no wonder I was not able to control anything. Well, this helped a bit but I was still not myself... I was so low emotionally, maybe this was my life now? These vitamins did not seem to making a lot of difference either, except I was getting really tired of all these pills. I'm not much of a pill person anyway. I was very careful to pick the smallest pills possible! I was looking for any kind of help.
I was also given a computer for Christmas and was learning how to surf on the web. I was joining e-mail magazines and daring to go into chat rooms and hang out. This was my new cheap entertainment. I could not believe that I had something like this in my house that could reach around the whole world. My Uncle would have loved this. He was into CB radios back in the day when they tried to see how far they could reach to speak with someone. My Grandma would have loved it just for the solitaire! Anyway, I wanted to see if I could find a way to earn some money on this thing. I signed up for contests and work on line info. Boy did that start to fill up my empty mailbox. I was getting e-mail from everywhere. I soon found out that people were selling my name to folks that had biz opportunities and I was being put into auto responders. I had a lot to learn. :)
I had been careful to try and contact people before signing up with anything. I didn't even get thru to some people. Scary! I got totally burned by a catalog for electronics gig. I could not even return the catalog. They were not there anymore! Well, this could be harder than I thought. I found a company that had liquid nutritional products that looked really good. They were 20 minutes away from my house! Guess what? I shut everything down and drove down to the Corp. Office. As I'm driving around the corner of the block, I had visions of there not being a building. There it was, Life Force International. People were actually in the office! I spoke the the lady at the desk who was very helpful. She gave me some brochures and explained everything. There was a lot of movement going on because everyone was getting ready to go to Florida for the Big Life Force Intl Convention that weekend. I went home, got online and ordered my Cornerstone Package in August of 2002. This is the beginning of my Life Force Home Business and better health!
I tried all the different products in only 3 months. I got on training calls and just listened. I was a very quiet observer for a while. I could really feel a difference with this stuff. I found my base products and new that I wanted to be on these products for the rest of my life in only 4 months! I was feeling so much better! My normal mood was coming back. I was not reacting so negatively to everything all the time. I was still totally stressed but not as emotional about things. It was really amazing!!! I was starting to smile and be a bit happy again. Some days, I actually wondered what I was on? These products have done what none of the medication could. I decided to go into business with this company because of these incredible products. This is the beginning of my MLM carrier. What a road it would be. I had no idea for the ride I was about to take....
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