It's now in the time period of May 2003.
My business with Life Force is doing well. I'm working my butte' off learning the internet, my computer and phone calls. I'm getting a check though and that is a huge success in my book.
I had a hard lesson regarding the phone bill. I thought if I got a cell phone, that I could use that for the long distance calls and save money. NO! My cell phone company does not warn you about going over your planned minutes and you end up with a $200+ phone bill. And don't even mention the extra cost of out of county calls! This happened a couple of times, before I could get things changed around. I got into a long distance card plan that lets you dial anywhere in the world. I pre pay for 5000 anytime /anywhere minutes. It takes dialing an access number to activate the service, but well worth the amount of money I save in long distance fees. The out of country calls come out of the amount at a different interval than my home country minutes. Like: dialing out of country would use up 1 and 1/2 of my minutes on the pre paid card per my real time minutes. I hope that makes sense... Out of country calls charge me more that 1 minute depending on where I call. It's much easier and cheaper than what I was doing. The downside is that it sometimes has problems and cuts me off or doesn't connect. What you have to put up with in business to save a dime.
Dave is starting to use me on his calls. He says that I am getting much better. Him and I have done a lot of training on the phone with buddy calling and 3 way calls. He brings me onto his recruiting calls, that he does twice a week, to do a testimony. It is when I come on and talk about how much I like the Life Force products or the QuickPros system. I love being able to help him out for a change. This is helping me to be more comfortable on the phone as well. There was one time when I signed up 14 members in only a couple of weeks. That was so cool. When you finally start to get it, it just goes. This is a lot of work, but I am growing and having a lot of fun. Plus, I'm earning almost enough to pay for my products.
This QuickPros online marketing tool that these guys created was really working well for the Life Force products. QuickPros is having a second Academy, where they go around to major cities and show people how to use the system first hand. The second QuickPros Academy is in San Diego again on May 16 & 17, 2003. I get to go again. I am so excited to see Dave Sage again. I had a list of questions to ask him about how I could get this system really going for me. We all went out to dinner and chatted about the business. It's great getting to meet other Team Members that you hear on the phone all the time. Sarah couldn't come this time though, I was bummed.
Sarah sent me a care package of some tapes to help me with my training. They included a set of "Magic of Colors" tapes by Jerry "DRhino" Clark. This was my first big "awhha" moment. This tape set includes the 4 personality types of people. I never had heard this before. I just knew that some folks rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't ever put it together like this before. I was amazed to learn of the 4 behavior types and characteristic's. This really helped to explain so much about my reactions to people and visa versa. This was truly my first life lesson in people skills! Knowing that people are the way they are and to "really" not take things personally! That's just the way they are. This is not something that was going to come easy to me. I could tell that this was the beginning of a learning adventure. I always knew that I hung out in those self help sections of the book stores for a reason. I do think that I have finally found that missing link. I am starting to learn about how to deal with people. How to recognize the needs of certain types of people and of myself. This was truly just the tip of a huge Ice Berg of information.
And me, who knew I was a yellow.... News to me.
There really is something to Keeping it Simple. Trying to live in the moment and trust that it will all work out. I get to share my message of how to stay Young at Heart, while trying to keep things Simple and Fun! Text me @ 1-619-729-5589. Diane Nivens :)
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Note on Perspective
We are up to March of 2003.
This month marks my 3 year anniversary of being in my manufactured home. This brings back many memories of that year from hell when I bought the house. The year of my back aches, bad knee, menopause, stress at work and depression. That was just a short time ago really. I was at my wits end back then and such a mess. I didn't even realize how bad off I really was. What a difference a few years makes!
I wanted to share with you, that I probably would not have been able to write this information down back then. I was not in the right frame of mind yet. The story from that time period would have been a much different version. I'm now trying to share with you what it has taken for me to "stay in this game". The process that you might go through and in hopes, shorten the time it takes for you to get through it. I am no expert by any means. In reading this, you should realize that anyone can do this!
It really is all about the journey, not the destination. I know, cliche's, but it's true. I've noticed that all those people who are successful, are telling us all how to do it. You only have to listen, do and be willing to learn. People really do want to share what it takes in order to help more people be successful. Success breeds success, just like they say. Your success is their success. I'm still working at this, but know that I am in a totally different place now then I was back then. It's about being open to learn, doing, evaluate and keep on doing until you get the end results you want(period)! Never, ever, give up!
When I got into this game of mlm, I just wanted to earn money. I needed to earn as much money as possible, right now! I had no idea that I was going to go through all this emotional growth. I have grown so much, had many awhha moments and had a profound mental shift. It has been a very fun and enlightening process that I plan to continue forever! Life is so much more fun with purpose and continued education of any kind, not just schooling. You see, the secret is, we all want our friends with us at the top to party with!
See you at the top! :)
This month marks my 3 year anniversary of being in my manufactured home. This brings back many memories of that year from hell when I bought the house. The year of my back aches, bad knee, menopause, stress at work and depression. That was just a short time ago really. I was at my wits end back then and such a mess. I didn't even realize how bad off I really was. What a difference a few years makes!
I wanted to share with you, that I probably would not have been able to write this information down back then. I was not in the right frame of mind yet. The story from that time period would have been a much different version. I'm now trying to share with you what it has taken for me to "stay in this game". The process that you might go through and in hopes, shorten the time it takes for you to get through it. I am no expert by any means. In reading this, you should realize that anyone can do this!
It really is all about the journey, not the destination. I know, cliche's, but it's true. I've noticed that all those people who are successful, are telling us all how to do it. You only have to listen, do and be willing to learn. People really do want to share what it takes in order to help more people be successful. Success breeds success, just like they say. Your success is their success. I'm still working at this, but know that I am in a totally different place now then I was back then. It's about being open to learn, doing, evaluate and keep on doing until you get the end results you want(period)! Never, ever, give up!
When I got into this game of mlm, I just wanted to earn money. I needed to earn as much money as possible, right now! I had no idea that I was going to go through all this emotional growth. I have grown so much, had many awhha moments and had a profound mental shift. It has been a very fun and enlightening process that I plan to continue forever! Life is so much more fun with purpose and continued education of any kind, not just schooling. You see, the secret is, we all want our friends with us at the top to party with!
See you at the top! :)
Monday, August 23, 2004
My First QuickPros Academy
It's now February, 2003
I have actually got some new members under me now. This new mlm business with Life Force Intl is really working. I'm getting a check and learning how to talk to people with some ease, never without my script though. I'm starting to feel like I might be able do this....
I have been to the Life Force open houses that they hold monthly here at the Corporate Office. The President, Ron Hillman, is a pleasure to listen to. Ron is the son and 2 of the daughter's work at the Life Force Office as well. This is such a nice family owned and operated company. It's so nice to see a business with down home values. Wayne and Gerri (Dad & Mom) started the product line because of her illness and they worked very hard at getting these products out to doctors. These products have been around for 20 years! I really love the way the Hillman's give so much of the profits back to the customers. I'm not sure that many company's really look at the benefit of this type of marketing. I am so fortunate being 20 minutes away from the office.
QuickPros is an online marketing company created just for Life Force by successful Life Force members. These guys got tired of paying for all the different tools needed on the net to run the business and created their own. It really works great! The first QuickPros Academy is Feb. 14 & 15, 2003. I get to meet my upline Dave Sage and Sarah Evans. I am looking forward to this very much. I want to walk in and surprise them. I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like. I had to get up in front of everyone and tell them why I like these Life Force products enough to be here. That was so scary. I knew once I opened my mouth and started speaking that Dave and Sarah would know who I was. That is not how I wanted to introduce myself, but it looked like there was no choice. I told my story and actually won some online leads for my business. In fact, I won 3 prizes total, and I don't usually win things. It was so fun to meet everyone in person, instead of on the phone. What wonderful folks! I learned a lot about how to market my business on the net and how to use the QuickPros sytem. This is going so well and is so much fun. We all went out for lunch and had a wonderful time.
Here we are. A group of folks, who like the same products and are working together to get them out to the people. Combined efforts of a few to expand as much as possible. This is the beginning of a great ride.
I have actually got some new members under me now. This new mlm business with Life Force Intl is really working. I'm getting a check and learning how to talk to people with some ease, never without my script though. I'm starting to feel like I might be able do this....
I have been to the Life Force open houses that they hold monthly here at the Corporate Office. The President, Ron Hillman, is a pleasure to listen to. Ron is the son and 2 of the daughter's work at the Life Force Office as well. This is such a nice family owned and operated company. It's so nice to see a business with down home values. Wayne and Gerri (Dad & Mom) started the product line because of her illness and they worked very hard at getting these products out to doctors. These products have been around for 20 years! I really love the way the Hillman's give so much of the profits back to the customers. I'm not sure that many company's really look at the benefit of this type of marketing. I am so fortunate being 20 minutes away from the office.
QuickPros is an online marketing company created just for Life Force by successful Life Force members. These guys got tired of paying for all the different tools needed on the net to run the business and created their own. It really works great! The first QuickPros Academy is Feb. 14 & 15, 2003. I get to meet my upline Dave Sage and Sarah Evans. I am looking forward to this very much. I want to walk in and surprise them. I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like. I had to get up in front of everyone and tell them why I like these Life Force products enough to be here. That was so scary. I knew once I opened my mouth and started speaking that Dave and Sarah would know who I was. That is not how I wanted to introduce myself, but it looked like there was no choice. I told my story and actually won some online leads for my business. In fact, I won 3 prizes total, and I don't usually win things. It was so fun to meet everyone in person, instead of on the phone. What wonderful folks! I learned a lot about how to market my business on the net and how to use the QuickPros sytem. This is going so well and is so much fun. We all went out for lunch and had a wonderful time.
Here we are. A group of folks, who like the same products and are working together to get them out to the people. Combined efforts of a few to expand as much as possible. This is the beginning of a great ride.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Learning the Ropes
It's Sept., Oct. and Nov. of 2002
Here we go. I decided to take the plunge with this online marketing thing. In this first 3 month period, I have ordered every product that Life Force has to offer. I've tried most of them and am definitely hooked. This stuff is amazing. I'm not sure why everyone isn't already taking this stuff? I am getting on every training call I can find. I'm not talking much yet. I'm hanging out in the background and taking everything in. I'm getting to know my website. I'm clicking on every link to find out what is behind them and what it's for. This is a whole new experience for me. Finally a reason to use this computer for something other than chat rooms and e-mail.
I've been a night paging operator and school bus driver now for 4 years and worked at State Farm Insurance for 2 years. My son (Derrick) graduated in June and is going to college at SDSU this fall. I have got to be able to get my finances in order quickly, to help him. My early menopause is in full bloom and my emotions seem to be getting under control. I must say that Body Balance is a wonderful product! I really do swear on the effects it has had with my emotional balance in dealing with menopause. It's nothing short of a miracle. I'm not going to have to admit myself into the mental ward for a nervous breakdown after all. :)
I'm doing buddy calls with my upline and actually talking to people. This is horrifying for me. I finally get to the point where I can introduce myself on a conference call and here I am, calling and talking to real live people! I was going by a script and I think most people could tell. I was not very confident in myself with my ability to do this. I'm not sure if I really thought this business would work at all. You know what they say about this mlm stuff. I learned how to do 3-way calls quickly. My upline, Dave Sage, helped me every step of the way. If he had not been there for me, I'm not sure I would have stayed with it. This is a real test of self confidence, discipline and ability to manage time. This is much more of a learning process than I imagined going into it. I was buying leads, calling them, and learning how to sort everything out on the computer and in my bedroom with the paperwork. Dave said I was doing great but I hated the 3-way calls with him and a prospect. The idea of talking to someone and knowing he was right there hearing everything, made me sooo nervous. He was always very good at telling me something positive before helping me with advice on how to improve.
Dave was not my direct upline though, I had to go above my enroller to find someone willing to help me. Don't let an inactive upline discourage you. Make calls or send e-mails upline until you find someone willing to help you. They have an interest in making sure you succeed. You can't get discouraged easily in this business!
It's Dec. 2002 and things are looking very good. I'm actually getting better at talking to people on the phone. I'm learning tons and these products are helping me out a great deal. Derrick (my son) and I are getting along much better because of them.
I had to come up with a business name. I thought long and hard about this. A lot of names I've seen referred to quick cash or business teams of some kind. I wrote many versions of names down that I thought of and liked. Lets see... I like my maiden name "Cash" and I wanted to be listed at the top, so I chose, ABCcash. That was a very big step for me. I have now named my own Home Business!
"ABCcash" Kind of sounds like "Easy Money" to me. :)
Here we go. I decided to take the plunge with this online marketing thing. In this first 3 month period, I have ordered every product that Life Force has to offer. I've tried most of them and am definitely hooked. This stuff is amazing. I'm not sure why everyone isn't already taking this stuff? I am getting on every training call I can find. I'm not talking much yet. I'm hanging out in the background and taking everything in. I'm getting to know my website. I'm clicking on every link to find out what is behind them and what it's for. This is a whole new experience for me. Finally a reason to use this computer for something other than chat rooms and e-mail.
I've been a night paging operator and school bus driver now for 4 years and worked at State Farm Insurance for 2 years. My son (Derrick) graduated in June and is going to college at SDSU this fall. I have got to be able to get my finances in order quickly, to help him. My early menopause is in full bloom and my emotions seem to be getting under control. I must say that Body Balance is a wonderful product! I really do swear on the effects it has had with my emotional balance in dealing with menopause. It's nothing short of a miracle. I'm not going to have to admit myself into the mental ward for a nervous breakdown after all. :)
I'm doing buddy calls with my upline and actually talking to people. This is horrifying for me. I finally get to the point where I can introduce myself on a conference call and here I am, calling and talking to real live people! I was going by a script and I think most people could tell. I was not very confident in myself with my ability to do this. I'm not sure if I really thought this business would work at all. You know what they say about this mlm stuff. I learned how to do 3-way calls quickly. My upline, Dave Sage, helped me every step of the way. If he had not been there for me, I'm not sure I would have stayed with it. This is a real test of self confidence, discipline and ability to manage time. This is much more of a learning process than I imagined going into it. I was buying leads, calling them, and learning how to sort everything out on the computer and in my bedroom with the paperwork. Dave said I was doing great but I hated the 3-way calls with him and a prospect. The idea of talking to someone and knowing he was right there hearing everything, made me sooo nervous. He was always very good at telling me something positive before helping me with advice on how to improve.
Dave was not my direct upline though, I had to go above my enroller to find someone willing to help me. Don't let an inactive upline discourage you. Make calls or send e-mails upline until you find someone willing to help you. They have an interest in making sure you succeed. You can't get discouraged easily in this business!
It's Dec. 2002 and things are looking very good. I'm actually getting better at talking to people on the phone. I'm learning tons and these products are helping me out a great deal. Derrick (my son) and I are getting along much better because of them.
I had to come up with a business name. I thought long and hard about this. A lot of names I've seen referred to quick cash or business teams of some kind. I wrote many versions of names down that I thought of and liked. Lets see... I like my maiden name "Cash" and I wanted to be listed at the top, so I chose, ABCcash. That was a very big step for me. I have now named my own Home Business!
"ABCcash" Kind of sounds like "Easy Money" to me. :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Desperate Situation?
The time period is for August, 2002
Okay, so it's not looking too good for me right now. My finances, health and job are all a total mess! I do have some room on my credit cards to get this business up and running.. If my business grows as fast as my upline is telling me, I'll be fine! I do believe that this is how come mlm has a bad reputation. Most people seek out a quick fix for something that has obviously taken years to build. I have put Holiday dinners, car repairs, clothes and many other items on my credit cards. I am in debt because of where I live and I am a single parent with ordinary jobs, raising my son without much help from anyone else.
You will find out that any business does take work. I am willing and ready. I spent 3 months researching, listening to training calls, testing out every product with Life Force and getting to know the web sites. I got into a lead program and set up my first auto responder campaign. I am teaching myself on this computer as I go. It is fun to learn new things and know that I am growing. I also got started with a new marketing company on the internet created just for Life Force Intl, called QuickPros. I started 3 things all within months of each other. :)
I know that I have always felt as though something was missing from my life. I have spent much time in the self help sections at book stores. I have spent a good deal of money and read many different books on inner growth. This biz opportunity has given me a new source of inward awareness with the motivational speakers, support and coaching, that has really made me feel more confidant and complete within myself. I do know it is a wonderful thing to be learning, dreaming, growing and reaching for the stars again. I have missed not having anything to look forward to. I have made some friends that will be with me forever, no matter what business we are in or where we live. There is a shift that happens while doing this business that you will hopefully see as time goes on with my story. Maybe you will be able to get there more quickly than I.
I am doing everything my upline is teling me to do and more. I am even going through the phone book and making calls. My upline could not believe this and asked me to stop... He gave me leads to call instead. This business does have a great deal of integrity, if you are working with a good company and honest people. I only call those people who have signed up for information re: a home business opportunity. It's amazing how many people do not know that they have done this?!?
I know that I can last for about a year without losing everything. My plan is in place and I'm working my butt off. Let's see how long this takes to get some serious cash coming in..........
Okay, so it's not looking too good for me right now. My finances, health and job are all a total mess! I do have some room on my credit cards to get this business up and running.. If my business grows as fast as my upline is telling me, I'll be fine! I do believe that this is how come mlm has a bad reputation. Most people seek out a quick fix for something that has obviously taken years to build. I have put Holiday dinners, car repairs, clothes and many other items on my credit cards. I am in debt because of where I live and I am a single parent with ordinary jobs, raising my son without much help from anyone else.
You will find out that any business does take work. I am willing and ready. I spent 3 months researching, listening to training calls, testing out every product with Life Force and getting to know the web sites. I got into a lead program and set up my first auto responder campaign. I am teaching myself on this computer as I go. It is fun to learn new things and know that I am growing. I also got started with a new marketing company on the internet created just for Life Force Intl, called QuickPros. I started 3 things all within months of each other. :)
I know that I have always felt as though something was missing from my life. I have spent much time in the self help sections at book stores. I have spent a good deal of money and read many different books on inner growth. This biz opportunity has given me a new source of inward awareness with the motivational speakers, support and coaching, that has really made me feel more confidant and complete within myself. I do know it is a wonderful thing to be learning, dreaming, growing and reaching for the stars again. I have missed not having anything to look forward to. I have made some friends that will be with me forever, no matter what business we are in or where we live. There is a shift that happens while doing this business that you will hopefully see as time goes on with my story. Maybe you will be able to get there more quickly than I.
I am doing everything my upline is teling me to do and more. I am even going through the phone book and making calls. My upline could not believe this and asked me to stop... He gave me leads to call instead. This business does have a great deal of integrity, if you are working with a good company and honest people. I only call those people who have signed up for information re: a home business opportunity. It's amazing how many people do not know that they have done this?!?
I know that I can last for about a year without losing everything. My plan is in place and I'm working my butt off. Let's see how long this takes to get some serious cash coming in..........
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