It's now in the time period of May 2003.
My business with Life Force is doing well. I'm working my butte' off learning the internet, my computer and phone calls. I'm getting a check though and that is a huge success in my book.
I had a hard lesson regarding the phone bill. I thought if I got a cell phone, that I could use that for the long distance calls and save money. NO! My cell phone company does not warn you about going over your planned minutes and you end up with a $200+ phone bill. And don't even mention the extra cost of out of county calls! This happened a couple of times, before I could get things changed around. I got into a long distance card plan that lets you dial anywhere in the world. I pre pay for 5000 anytime /anywhere minutes. It takes dialing an access number to activate the service, but well worth the amount of money I save in long distance fees. The out of country calls come out of the amount at a different interval than my home country minutes. Like: dialing out of country would use up 1 and 1/2 of my minutes on the pre paid card per my real time minutes. I hope that makes sense... Out of country calls charge me more that 1 minute depending on where I call. It's much easier and cheaper than what I was doing. The downside is that it sometimes has problems and cuts me off or doesn't connect. What you have to put up with in business to save a dime.
Dave is starting to use me on his calls. He says that I am getting much better. Him and I have done a lot of training on the phone with buddy calling and 3 way calls. He brings me onto his recruiting calls, that he does twice a week, to do a testimony. It is when I come on and talk about how much I like the Life Force products or the QuickPros system. I love being able to help him out for a change. This is helping me to be more comfortable on the phone as well. There was one time when I signed up 14 members in only a couple of weeks. That was so cool. When you finally start to get it, it just goes. This is a lot of work, but I am growing and having a lot of fun. Plus, I'm earning almost enough to pay for my products.
This QuickPros online marketing tool that these guys created was really working well for the Life Force products. QuickPros is having a second Academy, where they go around to major cities and show people how to use the system first hand. The second QuickPros Academy is in San Diego again on May 16 & 17, 2003. I get to go again. I am so excited to see Dave Sage again. I had a list of questions to ask him about how I could get this system really going for me. We all went out to dinner and chatted about the business. It's great getting to meet other Team Members that you hear on the phone all the time. Sarah couldn't come this time though, I was bummed.
Sarah sent me a care package of some tapes to help me with my training. They included a set of "Magic of Colors" tapes by Jerry "DRhino" Clark. This was my first big "awhha" moment. This tape set includes the 4 personality types of people. I never had heard this before. I just knew that some folks rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't ever put it together like this before. I was amazed to learn of the 4 behavior types and characteristic's. This really helped to explain so much about my reactions to people and visa versa. This was truly my first life lesson in people skills! Knowing that people are the way they are and to "really" not take things personally! That's just the way they are. This is not something that was going to come easy to me. I could tell that this was the beginning of a learning adventure. I always knew that I hung out in those self help sections of the book stores for a reason. I do think that I have finally found that missing link. I am starting to learn about how to deal with people. How to recognize the needs of certain types of people and of myself. This was truly just the tip of a huge Ice Berg of information.
And me, who knew I was a yellow.... News to me.
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