It's now February, 2003
I have actually got some new members under me now. This new mlm business with Life Force Intl is really working. I'm getting a check and learning how to talk to people with some ease, never without my script though. I'm starting to feel like I might be able do this....
I have been to the Life Force open houses that they hold monthly here at the Corporate Office. The President, Ron Hillman, is a pleasure to listen to. Ron is the son and 2 of the daughter's work at the Life Force Office as well. This is such a nice family owned and operated company. It's so nice to see a business with down home values. Wayne and Gerri (Dad & Mom) started the product line because of her illness and they worked very hard at getting these products out to doctors. These products have been around for 20 years! I really love the way the Hillman's give so much of the profits back to the customers. I'm not sure that many company's really look at the benefit of this type of marketing. I am so fortunate being 20 minutes away from the office.
QuickPros is an online marketing company created just for Life Force by successful Life Force members. These guys got tired of paying for all the different tools needed on the net to run the business and created their own. It really works great! The first QuickPros Academy is Feb. 14 & 15, 2003. I get to meet my upline Dave Sage and Sarah Evans. I am looking forward to this very much. I want to walk in and surprise them. I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like. I had to get up in front of everyone and tell them why I like these Life Force products enough to be here. That was so scary. I knew once I opened my mouth and started speaking that Dave and Sarah would know who I was. That is not how I wanted to introduce myself, but it looked like there was no choice. I told my story and actually won some online leads for my business. In fact, I won 3 prizes total, and I don't usually win things. It was so fun to meet everyone in person, instead of on the phone. What wonderful folks! I learned a lot about how to market my business on the net and how to use the QuickPros sytem. This is going so well and is so much fun. We all went out for lunch and had a wonderful time.
Here we are. A group of folks, who like the same products and are working together to get them out to the people. Combined efforts of a few to expand as much as possible. This is the beginning of a great ride.
1 comment:
It's greet to see your journey that you have shared on your blog and I see that it's going to make a nice book one day to assist others in navigating the "jungle".
I found your blog because one of your posts had a good friend of mine (from childhood)...Jerry 'DRhino' Clark's name in it so I thought I would drop you a line and let you know that I will be having him on my weekly Thursday night call on March 2, 2006 at 6pm. Just go to for the call in info. I hope you enjoy the interview if you can make it.
Cultivate the Courage to Roar
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