Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Note on Perspective

We are up to March of 2003.

This month marks my 3 year anniversary of being in my manufactured home. This brings back many memories of that year from hell when I bought the house. The year of my back aches, bad knee, menopause, stress at work and depression. That was just a short time ago really. I was at my wits end back then and such a mess. I didn't even realize how bad off I really was. What a difference a few years makes!

I wanted to share with you, that I probably would not have been able to write this information down back then. I was not in the right frame of mind yet. The story from that time period would have been a much different version. I'm now trying to share with you what it has taken for me to "stay in this game". The process that you might go through and in hopes, shorten the time it takes for you to get through it. I am no expert by any means. In reading this, you should realize that anyone can do this!

It really is all about the journey, not the destination. I know, cliche's, but it's true. I've noticed that all those people who are successful, are telling us all how to do it. You only have to listen, do and be willing to learn. People really do want to share what it takes in order to help more people be successful. Success breeds success, just like they say. Your success is their success. I'm still working at this, but know that I am in a totally different place now then I was back then. It's about being open to learn, doing, evaluate and keep on doing until you get the end results you want(period)! Never, ever, give up!

When I got into this game of mlm, I just wanted to earn money. I needed to earn as much money as possible, right now! I had no idea that I was going to go through all this emotional growth. I have grown so much, had many awhha moments and had a profound mental shift. It has been a very fun and enlightening process that I plan to continue forever! Life is so much more fun with purpose and continued education of any kind, not just schooling. You see, the secret is, we all want our friends with us at the top to party with!

See you at the top! :)

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