Sunday, October 24, 2004

Business is Great

Let's take a look at what I've been able to do so far. I jumped into this thing with everything I have. I earned my Bronze Pin and certificate in April 2003. I earned my Silver Pin and certificate in August 2003. I have also reached a Rising Star Bonus within Life Force. It was a lovely surprise to get these in the mail. This truly is a wonderful company and I know I'm in the right business at the right time!

Summer school was canceled due to funding issues. They let us school bus drivers know a week before school was out. Ouch! I had to borrow money to get through July and August 2003. This hurt me greatly, because I ended up borrowing from personal friends. I maxed out my credit cards on leads and worked my business with a determined force during these two months. I was so happy to be at the Silver level for Convention, even though I had wanted to be Platinum. People have told me it is possible with time and money, so I did just that. I needed this thing to work for me big time, right now! Dave was always telling me how good I was doing and how much buzz I was creating. People wanted to know who this person was in the business. My new goal was to reach Gold by the end of the year and to double my income, which is making two thousand a month. My upline said that this is very realistic and do able. :) With all the stories of how quickly people made it to platinum and then Diamond from Convention, I knew I could do this.

I am doing so well. I have members under me that are working the business. I call and e-mail my Team every week. I'm calling associates every day. I get powerlines with checks waiting every so often. Those are sooo fun. I keep adding all my new members and customers to my data base so I can e-mail them easily. I have saved some really good e-mail broadcasts and have a nice selection of those to choose from now. I have paid for all my products and some of the business expenses with my earnings. Not bad for going on one year, eh?

Thursday, September 30, 2004

E. Dan Smith & Creating "My Life Builder"

Finding my Life Purpose at Life Force Convention on August 2, 2003 with E. Dan Smith!

While at Life Force Convention, Dave & Sarah gave me the whole E. Dan Smith Program on how to create my Life Builder. E. Dan Smith had given such a wonderful presentation at the Convention. I had really learned a lot of how to look at life and people with a different perspective. I had purchased his book, but did not have enough to buy the whole program. This gift was so expensive, and I knew that. I was so happy to have some real training tools to use at home. I have really jumped into this MLM Business with both feet. I can do this, especially since so many others have done this business before me! I have worked hard all my life, so this should be no different. I can choose my hours and stay at home, right? This is going to work wonderfully, especially now!

I knew I needed to be making more money! I had figured out that my ability to retire at any age was a joke. The money I could get from Retirement and Social Security was going to leave me on the streets in the future if I didn't do something different, right now! So far, my main goal was more money for basic survival. I was not really ready for everything that this process was going to bring up to me. I learned a lot of myself and how lost I had become over the years. I am so lucky to have such caring and generous friends in my upline.

I started this program and became very focused. I remembered things that I had forgotten about. Things that I originally wanted to do in life, before life happened and my control over it was gone! My original love and purpose for life became apparent to me again. I can't even go into detail about this process. It is a very time consuming, lengthy and a well planned way of going through certain events to focus on definite areas in your life. I can tell you that it's an amazing journey and well worth taking.

In order to build your own Life Builder, You will need to go to E. Dan Smith's website and get the program. It will get you centered and show you how to take control of your life and direct your life in the direction you want! Get prepared to do some work and be ready!

I can share with you a portion of my Life Builder.

My Life Vision:

What I want to have and be when I grow up...

Life-Long Partnership: I am attracting a wonderful man into a deep-long lasting, committed marriage.
Spontaneous: I release the need to control the circumstances of my life.
Abundance: I have unlimited resources, ability and ideas.
Safe Haven: I am creating magical moments for my family, my friends and myself.
Gorgeous: My body is healing and regenerating itself, while growing more attractive every day.
Worldly: My intentions are clear and authentic-putting the Universe into motion.
Knowledgeable: I radiate confidence and certainty in the presence of other people.
Joyful Living: I live in the presence of every moment for life is as it should be right now.
Love Freely: When I am myself-I automatically attract fun and exciting relationships.
Success: People are attracted to the enthusiasm and Passion that I bring to my work.
I am extremely successful!!! Financial Independence = Freedom

I share every day with anyone who asks. I show the way to help people help themselves. I assist people in finding the dreams of their youth and follow their original path in life, however lost they have become. Being there to assist people in connecting with their true purpose in life and becoming a better person in so many ways. Learning together how to become better physically, emotionally and spiritually. The road to better health and well being in a community of like minded people, all reaching for the same goal, yet in such a variety of ways. We all touch each other, share and grow together while adopting new family members daily. Reaching out to anyone who asks for assistance and lending a hand where needed. Smiling and waving to all of those around me to brighten their day. Staying upbeat myself in order to help others realize the magic that we are living in right now. My purpose is to be there for people who are searching, to help those less fortunate.

I plan to continue to grow and learn as much as possible about myself and my Life Force Products and the massive good that they can do for us all. I will continue to touch base with as many people as possible and share these products. I will stay focused and know that what I do is enough. I will have fun every day in speaking with people. I will produce unlimited opportunity with the tools at hand. I am always growing in my organizational and time management skills. I will read, listen to CD's and attend regular meetings in order to stay focused and up to date. I am creating a highly successful business. I am making sound financial and management decisions as everything develops perfectly in spiritual time for my highest good. I will go forward with all that I have!

Wow- My time is mine. My home is at the top of Big Bear Mountain overlooking the lake and ski resort. I get up and go snow skiing at my leisure, come home and work my business with my husband in the afternoon. I believe in myself and the work that I do and am successful financially beyond my wildest dreams. I am so good at the phone calls now, it comes so easy. My husband and I laugh at how difficult it used to be for me. The office is so cool. The warmth from the 2 sided fireplace to my right, the bookcase and picture window of the ski mountain to my left. I take a moment and venture on the back patio through the sliding glass doors to sip on my coffee and feel the cold air in my lungs. It's so peaceful here.

As I walk back into the office, I'm reminded of how much I love the animal theme going on here. It truly represents the jungle that I've come through, knowing that I'm now in the Land of Paradise. I am so proud of figuring out how much I'm really capable of doing! There is art work from all over the World. My paintings from other lands are my favorite treasure from abroad. The travels are something I go over often in my head. I sit in my big comfy chair at my corner desk, and read through a book that I've grabbed off the book case. I have purchased books from all the places I've traveled to. These are my photo albums. To read over the history and see the pictures of my magnificent journeys is so fun for me. It's like reliving my dreams all over again. I've been so blessed and what a privilege to be able to learn from actually being there instead of reading about it. Thank you God for helping me to reach so many dreams.

My home is so cozy and warm in the winter snow. I've begun painting myself after getting my degree in Theatre and psychology. Art, theatre and sports have become my main outlets. I have more energy now than I did when I was younger, thanks to my Life Force products. I walk out the front door and take a moment to look at my Silver Lexus SUV that I paid Cash for, just like my grandfather used to do. He told me that he bought one vehicle on credit and after adding up how much more he paid, he never did that again! That was one of my best days ever! I continue down the front porch and over to the heal-lo pad. I take my helicopter to my favorite place at the top of the mountain. This is where I become one with the earth. It's where I gather my energy and paint or write whatever I feel at that moment. I have published 2 books now and have another one in the works. My books on Mixed Marriages and Single Parenthood have both been #1 sellers. I would have never imagined this life when I was in that time and place. How wonderful it is that we live in America where anything is possible.

My favorite thing about being at this wonderful faze of life is, the housekeeper/cook. I love that! It frees up so much guilt in my day. I can know that things are taken care of and not have to worry about my not doing "my" job... We eat the best food all the time. I am strong and beautiful and look to no one for acceptance. I've lost so much weight! I can fit into that pair of "Hash" jeans that I have hung onto for so long from my High School days. It's so cool!

We welcome my son and his family for a visit. He organized our gym and started me on a powerful exercise program to help my back. I love when he and his family are here. It's great fun preparing for the Holidays and Christmas has become my favorite again. Listening to the wonder of the grand babies with the excitement in their eye. We have to go out and make that first snowman of the season as the snow gently falls. I love my grand babies more than my own son. I never thought I would love anyone more than him, but I do. They are so precious!

Working at home for ourselves and answering to no one really has given us the freedom to do anything, anytime. We are all going to the opening of our Christmas Play this evening in my Big Bear Theatre. We run 3 to 4 productions a year here. The kids and parents are such a support for the community. These Christmas performances are always a favorite. There is nothing like the magic of the Holidays.

We are planning our trip to New York next week to see a couple of Broadway Plays. I love the inspiration that I get from live theatre. We are also going to stop in DC and meet with the committee for the new Health and Welfare bi-laws. We are re-writing the new program that I've been working so hard on. We need to fine tune a few of the laws with Congress. Another of my more challenging adventures that I've drawn so much energy from. It's great being able to look at large achievements as a fun part of life's adventures. I know so many Single Moms and Dads will benefit from this new program. I'm so excited to be a part of it.

I am finally looking forward to going to bed again, so that I can wake up to start on a new day. I love Life and Life and People love me! I am a Multi-millionaire and Free to be Me!


Life Force Convention

We are still in July of 2003.

I feel so lucky to live in San Diego where this years Life Force Convention is being held! Last year it was in Florida and I could not afford a trip like that right now. I'm very lucky! I am having one of my members come and stay here with me. I'm so excited. This is going to be a great time meeting everyone on Dave's Team.

I went to the airport to pick up Margrette on July 30th. This was our first time meeting in person. It's such a wild thing working with people on the net and phone, but never really meeting them. We felt like we had known each other for years. Her kids were so worried about her traveling on a plane for the first time. I'm sure this was an incredible adventure for this wonderful lady and her family. An older woman with a few health challenges, traveling to San Diego where she has never been or met anyone. Hmmm, can't figure out why her kids are nervous. Oh my goodness, what an adventure.

I found her at the airport and had Daisy with me, so she could find me easily. It was so exciting to meet my dear friend, Margrette. She is an incredible lady. I really have become so fond of her and know that we are going to have an outrageous time! I let her stay in my room and I slept on the couch. My son could not believe what I had gotten myself into with this online business thing.

The Life Force Conference and QuickPros Academy lasted from Thursday, July 31st to Sunday, August 3rd. We had such an incredible time. Thursday was a blast meeting everyone. All the big wigs of the QuickPros Academy that Margrette had only spoke to or heard on the calls. All of the Hillman's, the founders of Life Force. We had such fun taking pictures of Margrette with every rich guy there! She was beaming all day. I knew she would really benefit from learning more about the products, so we signed up for classes related to products and online marketing. We did breakout sessions together and had lunch with Dave, Sarah and part of the Team. It was very cool meeting all of these people we had spoken to on the phone so many times. We all had the same goal and felt a bit like family.

The main speaker was a guy name E. Dan Smith. He spoke of focus and deliberate intentions. He was an amazing speaker, but I knew that I could not afford his program. Margrette and I bought his book and learned a lot from his seminar. My next entry will be all about his program and what I learned from him. There is too much to add here in this entry.

We went to our first ever, Masquerade Ball. This was sooo fun. Everyone dressed up so nice, as if something from the old days with masks and everything. There was one lady from Hawaii dressed like a cow. I wondered about this Marcy girl. She was a short, thin ball of energy. All of the Hillman's were there and many of high ranking Life Force members. We were having tons of fun taking all those pictures of Margrette next to these handsome, wealthy men. We all had some wonderful food, interesting conversations about where people were from and the business, and great entertainment! The magician was incredible! We had the best time ever. Man were we charged. We both could not wait to get home and start working on the business again. This was so fun, but taking time away from our business tasks.

Saturday was a day of recognition for all those who have done so well in Life Force. All of the QuickPros guys were up on stage. It was a great time for our Team and for QuickPros. Margrette and I swore to be Platinum by next years Convention. We were determined to be up on that stage. I am bronze now and going to be moving up very quick after this. We were on our way now! We had new information about the products and personal growth! There would be no stopping us now! Margrette and Sarah went on a tour of the Life Force factory and Dave and I met to talk about my goals.

Dave is such a good leader. He took his whole Team out to lunch and paid for everything. Wow! He gave us all a book (Mind Power into the 21st Century, by John Kehoe) to help us find that inner voice and focus. We had all written our goals down and went over them with him personally. He kind of ripped my vision down a bit. I was disappointed. He wanted me to focus on the feeling of having everything I wanted more than the idea of getting all the things I wanted. There is such a small, yet large, shift there. He explained how we are all fine tuned pitch forks. We are sending out our "tune" from our "vibration". Wow... This was all really new to me and a bit bizarre... I listened to him and tried to take it all in. I have a lot of respect for him and know that he is doing his best to help me. I need to pretend that I have everything I want and am in my perfect world now. Be content and happy with everything in the "now". Hmmm. I will probably be working on this one for a while. Dave and Sarah gave me the whole E. Dan Smith, Life Builder program. I was shocked. This was worth a great deal of money. They had such confidence in me to give me such an expensive gift. I was extremely touched. This added to my determination to get going on this!

We closed out the weekend with a Traffic Oasis dinner. This was a grand time. All the Life Force hoopla was over and the QuickPros members were here. It was a much lower key event. We had time to chat with all our friends and eat. We even did karaoke. There were a lot of people getting up to sing. This one guy could not even sing, but kept coming up and sharing his talent. I had a couple of friends convince me that I could do this as well. I got up and sang "Proud Mary" with Sarah and Karen. This was not something I would normally do. I was letting loose without any alcohol at all. I was learning to have fun. I have worked so hard all my life, that having fun is a new thing for me. It was a great time.

The weekend came to a close and I had to take Margrette back to the airport. We had said goodbye to all our new found friends and taken picture of Margrette with every guy we could. I've grown very close to Margrette and know that we will be friends forever. This is such a great business. Meeting people and having fun along the way. We are in for a Grand Adventure.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

My Second QuickPros Academy and Phone Bills!

It's now in the time period of May 2003.

My business with Life Force is doing well. I'm working my butte' off learning the internet, my computer and phone calls. I'm getting a check though and that is a huge success in my book.

I had a hard lesson regarding the phone bill. I thought if I got a cell phone, that I could use that for the long distance calls and save money. NO! My cell phone company does not warn you about going over your planned minutes and you end up with a $200+ phone bill. And don't even mention the extra cost of out of county calls! This happened a couple of times, before I could get things changed around. I got into a long distance card plan that lets you dial anywhere in the world. I pre pay for 5000 anytime /anywhere minutes. It takes dialing an access number to activate the service, but well worth the amount of money I save in long distance fees. The out of country calls come out of the amount at a different interval than my home country minutes. Like: dialing out of country would use up 1 and 1/2 of my minutes on the pre paid card per my real time minutes. I hope that makes sense... Out of country calls charge me more that 1 minute depending on where I call. It's much easier and cheaper than what I was doing. The downside is that it sometimes has problems and cuts me off or doesn't connect. What you have to put up with in business to save a dime.

Dave is starting to use me on his calls. He says that I am getting much better. Him and I have done a lot of training on the phone with buddy calling and 3 way calls. He brings me onto his recruiting calls, that he does twice a week, to do a testimony. It is when I come on and talk about how much I like the Life Force products or the QuickPros system. I love being able to help him out for a change. This is helping me to be more comfortable on the phone as well. There was one time when I signed up 14 members in only a couple of weeks. That was so cool. When you finally start to get it, it just goes. This is a lot of work, but I am growing and having a lot of fun. Plus, I'm earning almost enough to pay for my products.

This QuickPros online marketing tool that these guys created was really working well for the Life Force products. QuickPros is having a second Academy, where they go around to major cities and show people how to use the system first hand. The second QuickPros Academy is in San Diego again on May 16 & 17, 2003. I get to go again. I am so excited to see Dave Sage again. I had a list of questions to ask him about how I could get this system really going for me. We all went out to dinner and chatted about the business. It's great getting to meet other Team Members that you hear on the phone all the time. Sarah couldn't come this time though, I was bummed.

Sarah sent me a care package of some tapes to help me with my training. They included a set of "Magic of Colors" tapes by Jerry "DRhino" Clark. This was my first big "awhha" moment. This tape set includes the 4 personality types of people. I never had heard this before. I just knew that some folks rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't ever put it together like this before. I was amazed to learn of the 4 behavior types and characteristic's. This really helped to explain so much about my reactions to people and visa versa. This was truly my first life lesson in people skills! Knowing that people are the way they are and to "really" not take things personally! That's just the way they are. This is not something that was going to come easy to me. I could tell that this was the beginning of a learning adventure. I always knew that I hung out in those self help sections of the book stores for a reason. I do think that I have finally found that missing link. I am starting to learn about how to deal with people. How to recognize the needs of certain types of people and of myself. This was truly just the tip of a huge Ice Berg of information.

And me, who knew I was a yellow.... News to me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Note on Perspective

We are up to March of 2003.

This month marks my 3 year anniversary of being in my manufactured home. This brings back many memories of that year from hell when I bought the house. The year of my back aches, bad knee, menopause, stress at work and depression. That was just a short time ago really. I was at my wits end back then and such a mess. I didn't even realize how bad off I really was. What a difference a few years makes!

I wanted to share with you, that I probably would not have been able to write this information down back then. I was not in the right frame of mind yet. The story from that time period would have been a much different version. I'm now trying to share with you what it has taken for me to "stay in this game". The process that you might go through and in hopes, shorten the time it takes for you to get through it. I am no expert by any means. In reading this, you should realize that anyone can do this!

It really is all about the journey, not the destination. I know, cliche's, but it's true. I've noticed that all those people who are successful, are telling us all how to do it. You only have to listen, do and be willing to learn. People really do want to share what it takes in order to help more people be successful. Success breeds success, just like they say. Your success is their success. I'm still working at this, but know that I am in a totally different place now then I was back then. It's about being open to learn, doing, evaluate and keep on doing until you get the end results you want(period)! Never, ever, give up!

When I got into this game of mlm, I just wanted to earn money. I needed to earn as much money as possible, right now! I had no idea that I was going to go through all this emotional growth. I have grown so much, had many awhha moments and had a profound mental shift. It has been a very fun and enlightening process that I plan to continue forever! Life is so much more fun with purpose and continued education of any kind, not just schooling. You see, the secret is, we all want our friends with us at the top to party with!

See you at the top! :)

Monday, August 23, 2004

My First QuickPros Academy

It's now February, 2003

I have actually got some new members under me now. This new mlm business with Life Force Intl is really working. I'm getting a check and learning how to talk to people with some ease, never without my script though. I'm starting to feel like I might be able do this....

I have been to the Life Force open houses that they hold monthly here at the Corporate Office. The President, Ron Hillman, is a pleasure to listen to. Ron is the son and 2 of the daughter's work at the Life Force Office as well. This is such a nice family owned and operated company. It's so nice to see a business with down home values. Wayne and Gerri (Dad & Mom) started the product line because of her illness and they worked very hard at getting these products out to doctors. These products have been around for 20 years! I really love the way the Hillman's give so much of the profits back to the customers. I'm not sure that many company's really look at the benefit of this type of marketing. I am so fortunate being 20 minutes away from the office.

QuickPros is an online marketing company created just for Life Force by successful Life Force members. These guys got tired of paying for all the different tools needed on the net to run the business and created their own. It really works great! The first QuickPros Academy is Feb. 14 & 15, 2003. I get to meet my upline Dave Sage and Sarah Evans. I am looking forward to this very much. I want to walk in and surprise them. I know what they look like, but they don't know what I look like. I had to get up in front of everyone and tell them why I like these Life Force products enough to be here. That was so scary. I knew once I opened my mouth and started speaking that Dave and Sarah would know who I was. That is not how I wanted to introduce myself, but it looked like there was no choice. I told my story and actually won some online leads for my business. In fact, I won 3 prizes total, and I don't usually win things. It was so fun to meet everyone in person, instead of on the phone. What wonderful folks! I learned a lot about how to market my business on the net and how to use the QuickPros sytem. This is going so well and is so much fun. We all went out for lunch and had a wonderful time.

Here we are. A group of folks, who like the same products and are working together to get them out to the people. Combined efforts of a few to expand as much as possible. This is the beginning of a great ride.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Learning the Ropes

It's Sept., Oct. and Nov. of 2002

Here we go. I decided to take the plunge with this online marketing thing. In this first 3 month period, I have ordered every product that Life Force has to offer. I've tried most of them and am definitely hooked. This stuff is amazing. I'm not sure why everyone isn't already taking this stuff? I am getting on every training call I can find. I'm not talking much yet. I'm hanging out in the background and taking everything in. I'm getting to know my website. I'm clicking on every link to find out what is behind them and what it's for. This is a whole new experience for me. Finally a reason to use this computer for something other than chat rooms and e-mail.

I've been a night paging operator and school bus driver now for 4 years and worked at State Farm Insurance for 2 years. My son (Derrick) graduated in June and is going to college at SDSU this fall. I have got to be able to get my finances in order quickly, to help him. My early menopause is in full bloom and my emotions seem to be getting under control. I must say that Body Balance is a wonderful product! I really do swear on the effects it has had with my emotional balance in dealing with menopause. It's nothing short of a miracle. I'm not going to have to admit myself into the mental ward for a nervous breakdown after all. :)

I'm doing buddy calls with my upline and actually talking to people. This is horrifying for me. I finally get to the point where I can introduce myself on a conference call and here I am, calling and talking to real live people! I was going by a script and I think most people could tell. I was not very confident in myself with my ability to do this. I'm not sure if I really thought this business would work at all. You know what they say about this mlm stuff. I learned how to do 3-way calls quickly. My upline, Dave Sage, helped me every step of the way. If he had not been there for me, I'm not sure I would have stayed with it. This is a real test of self confidence, discipline and ability to manage time. This is much more of a learning process than I imagined going into it. I was buying leads, calling them, and learning how to sort everything out on the computer and in my bedroom with the paperwork. Dave said I was doing great but I hated the 3-way calls with him and a prospect. The idea of talking to someone and knowing he was right there hearing everything, made me sooo nervous. He was always very good at telling me something positive before helping me with advice on how to improve.

Dave was not my direct upline though, I had to go above my enroller to find someone willing to help me. Don't let an inactive upline discourage you. Make calls or send e-mails upline until you find someone willing to help you. They have an interest in making sure you succeed. You can't get discouraged easily in this business!

It's Dec. 2002 and things are looking very good. I'm actually getting better at talking to people on the phone. I'm learning tons and these products are helping me out a great deal. Derrick (my son) and I are getting along much better because of them.

I had to come up with a business name. I thought long and hard about this. A lot of names I've seen referred to quick cash or business teams of some kind. I wrote many versions of names down that I thought of and liked. Lets see... I like my maiden name "Cash" and I wanted to be listed at the top, so I chose, ABCcash. That was a very big step for me. I have now named my own Home Business!

"ABCcash" Kind of sounds like "Easy Money" to me. :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Desperate Situation?

The time period is for August, 2002

Okay, so it's not looking too good for me right now. My finances, health and job are all a total mess! I do have some room on my credit cards to get this business up and running.. If my business grows as fast as my upline is telling me, I'll be fine! I do believe that this is how come mlm has a bad reputation. Most people seek out a quick fix for something that has obviously taken years to build. I have put Holiday dinners, car repairs, clothes and many other items on my credit cards. I am in debt because of where I live and I am a single parent with ordinary jobs, raising my son without much help from anyone else.

You will find out that any business does take work. I am willing and ready. I spent 3 months researching, listening to training calls, testing out every product with Life Force and getting to know the web sites. I got into a lead program and set up my first auto responder campaign. I am teaching myself on this computer as I go. It is fun to learn new things and know that I am growing. I also got started with a new marketing company on the internet created just for Life Force Intl, called QuickPros. I started 3 things all within months of each other. :)

I know that I have always felt as though something was missing from my life. I have spent much time in the self help sections at book stores. I have spent a good deal of money and read many different books on inner growth. This biz opportunity has given me a new source of inward awareness with the motivational speakers, support and coaching, that has really made me feel more confidant and complete within myself. I do know it is a wonderful thing to be learning, dreaming, growing and reaching for the stars again. I have missed not having anything to look forward to. I have made some friends that will be with me forever, no matter what business we are in or where we live. There is a shift that happens while doing this business that you will hopefully see as time goes on with my story. Maybe you will be able to get there more quickly than I.

I am doing everything my upline is teling me to do and more. I am even going through the phone book and making calls. My upline could not believe this and asked me to stop... He gave me leads to call instead. This business does have a great deal of integrity, if you are working with a good company and honest people. I only call those people who have signed up for information re: a home business opportunity. It's amazing how many people do not know that they have done this?!?

I know that I can last for about a year without losing everything. My plan is in place and I'm working my butt off. Let's see how long this takes to get some serious cash coming in..........

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Background, cont'd...

We left off where the hormones were not helping my mood swings. Stress was taking over everything in my life. There was a ton of stuff going on and it was out of control. I had demanded blood work and they increased my dosage of hormones. I was hanging on for the last couple of years, spinning my wheels and getting no where. Working my butt off and not being able to pay the bills. Living for a purpose of survival only. What a way to go, day after day...

Here I am, looking at back surgery at some point, a bad knee, insurance up the wazoo and not making enough to live on still... What to do? My doctor could tell that the hormones were not working really well and put me on an antidepressant in Feb. of 2002. Wow, no wonder I was not able to control anything. Well, this helped a bit but I was still not myself... I was so low emotionally, maybe this was my life now? These vitamins did not seem to making a lot of difference either, except I was getting really tired of all these pills. I'm not much of a pill person anyway. I was very careful to pick the smallest pills possible! I was looking for any kind of help.

I was also given a computer for Christmas and was learning how to surf on the web. I was joining e-mail magazines and daring to go into chat rooms and hang out. This was my new cheap entertainment. I could not believe that I had something like this in my house that could reach around the whole world. My Uncle would have loved this. He was into CB radios back in the day when they tried to see how far they could reach to speak with someone. My Grandma would have loved it just for the solitaire! Anyway, I wanted to see if I could find a way to earn some money on this thing. I signed up for contests and work on line info. Boy did that start to fill up my empty mailbox. I was getting e-mail from everywhere. I soon found out that people were selling my name to folks that had biz opportunities and I was being put into auto responders. I had a lot to learn. :)

I had been careful to try and contact people before signing up with anything. I didn't even get thru to some people. Scary! I got totally burned by a catalog for electronics gig. I could not even return the catalog. They were not there anymore! Well, this could be harder than I thought. I found a company that had liquid nutritional products that looked really good. They were 20 minutes away from my house! Guess what? I shut everything down and drove down to the Corp. Office. As I'm driving around the corner of the block, I had visions of there not being a building. There it was, Life Force International. People were actually in the office! I spoke the the lady at the desk who was very helpful. She gave me some brochures and explained everything. There was a lot of movement going on because everyone was getting ready to go to Florida for the Big Life Force Intl Convention that weekend. I went home, got online and ordered my Cornerstone Package in August of 2002. This is the beginning of my Life Force Home Business and better health!

I tried all the different products in only 3 months. I got on training calls and just listened. I was a very quiet observer for a while. I could really feel a difference with this stuff. I found my base products and new that I wanted to be on these products for the rest of my life in only 4 months! I was feeling so much better! My normal mood was coming back. I was not reacting so negatively to everything all the time. I was still totally stressed but not as emotional about things. It was really amazing!!! I was starting to smile and be a bit happy again. Some days, I actually wondered what I was on? These products have done what none of the medication could. I decided to go into business with this company because of these incredible products. This is the beginning of my MLM carrier. What a road it would be. I had no idea for the ride I was about to take....

Monday, July 05, 2004

From the Beginning...

Okay, let's get this party started! It's time to start from the beginning. I can't think of any other way then to give you some background of where I was in life and what was going on.

I did something that started a chain of events in October of 1997. I walked off a job! I still cannot believe I did this. I am a single mother who has always worked my ass off and this was right before the Holidays! I had had enough and could not walk into that job again. It was such a difficult decision to make. I had to save my sanity! I'd been in accounting for 7 years and was still making less than I needed to live on and putting up with office politics like you cannot believe! This was a family owned and operated business and things went down hill fast when they hired an ex girlfriend of their son, who also worked there. Need I say more. I could not work with her anymore. I heard she quit the next week but it was already too late for me.

I spent a week in shock and tears. Then went through the paper and put in applications for anything. I sat down and searched my head for what I really wanted to do. I had done this for accounting too but that had gone its course...

Finally I came up with working around kids. I had run my own home day care while in Idaho putting myself through accounting classes. This was my most favorite and fun job. The other thing I love to do, is drive. I kept coming up with a school bus driver because of the hours. I could stay home on weekends and be with my son on Holidays. That would be perfect. I called DMV and spoke to a wonderful lady who recommended Laidlaw Transportation for the course. I called them and made the appointment.

I went for my appointment and signed up for the course and on the same day, went for an interview and test for a job. I got accepted for both in perfect time. The Laidlaw course would be during the day so I signed up for nights at my new job as a paging company operator. It was a low paying job that fit perfectly with my day course (with no pay or fee) for driving a school bus. The course would take 3 to 4 months. Yikes! I put in some long hours and my 13 year old son would have to stay home alone at night during this time. I had 3 neighbors that I got along with very well in the same apartment building for him to go to in case of emergency. It was a very difficult time for us both. It was only for a few months and my options were very limited. I felt lucky to have things work out so perfectly in their timing.

I soon became a school bus driver and was hired on with a closer school district and worked my night job on the weekends. Things were looking up. The school district was paying me fairly well. I was a sub driver for over a year, which meant we did not get paid for those winter, spring or summer breaks. The pay was still better than anything else I had done. My good credit was saving my butt here. I was racking up the cards. This was the year my son didn't have a Christmas. That was heart breaking but things were looking up, right?

In 1998 I was hired on as a bus driver. This meant I had medical insurance again and got paid vacation and sick days! Yeah! I was also diagnosed with early menopause. What, at 38 years old, me with early menopause? It was true. My doctor wanted me to take vitamins to help with the symptoms. Okay. This is when I became vitamin queen. I can tell you that I had a lazy suzanne in my cabinet full of vitamins. I was taking multiple vitamins and all kinds of others such as C, iron, calcium, Q enzymes, folic acid and E to name a few. I was getting more and more stressed.

In 1999, I had a bus run from hell. It's funny how the kids normally do what the parents allow them to. You would be amazed at how many parents don't think I should be able to move their child's seat on the bus for misbehaving. I wish parents would come and ride the bus their child takes to school and meet the driver. That would definitely give the parent an idea of what 50 to 80 kids on one vehicle, with only 1 driver in charge, is like. While I'm on my soap box, please stop doing anything you can as a driver to get in front of a school bus. We will get out of your way as soon as we can. We can only go as fast as the bus and the speed limit allow. Pretend we have music on our vehicles like the ice cream trucks. Y'all seem to slow down for them? Maybe pretend that we have your child aboard. Maybe that would help those drivers to slow down and give us some room. We are a vehicle over 10,000 pounds and cannot stop on a dime. Okay, enough about that.

So in 1999, I had a tough bus run, was still not making enough to live on, and was going through early menopause. I remember being very short with my son. I thought it was because of the rude kids on my bus. I was not going to put up with anything from my kid after a day of obscenities from them. Little did I know that the low tolerance for other drivers was getting bad too. If one more person had pulled in front of me and stopped, I was just going to scream. I knew that something was not right. I went to the doctors and they put me on hormones. That should do the trick. These were supposed to make me feel much better!

I was having back pain also and my doctor sent me to a specialist. She was shocked at my curved spine. I had worn a back brace all through Middle School because of my scoliosis. I had that taken care of, I thought. The back doctor told me that I was past the point of needing surgery and would probably be looking at complete spinal fusion within the next year or two. He wanted me to set up an appointment in a year to do another check up. Wow!

That sent me into a tail spin. I did not have insurance for anything like that. If I was unable to work, what would I do? My son could be alone. I was horrified. My grandfather had died and left me some money during this time. I paid off enough credit cards to qualify for a manufactured home in a trailer park. That was as good as I was going to get with my credit card amounts. I thank God for my grandfathers money. It saved my sanity for the next year and helped to get me into a nice home. I purchased a house in a park and got insurance on everything I could. I felt like my son would be taken care of whatever happened to me. I was still not making enough to do what I needed to do. The early menopause might be because of stress and I know my mom went through it very early too. This explained a lot! I remember how she was when I was in Middle School...

The hormones were not helping my mood troubles. There were a lot of issues on the table at home and work. Nothing was going well. I was crying at the drop of a hat. Stress was taking over my life. My poor son put up with a lot during this time. He had no where to run. I could not stop the words coming out of my mouth. It was an awful time for me. I remember walking into the medical center where my doctor was and ordered that they do blood work (without an appointment) and schedule an exam to evaluate the findings. They did and increased my dosage of hormones. My mind was just not working right and I knew it.

I struggled to survive all this for a couple of years. This is a good area to take a break. Imagine a life of spinning your wheels and getting no where. Working your butt off and not being able to pay the bills. Living for a purpose of survival only. What a way to go, day after day...

Sunday, June 20, 2004

My Journey thru MLM


Welcome to my new site. I was searching some info and ran across this page. Life has no accidents so of course, I signed up. I have been thinking that it would be a good idea to log my success with my MLM Home Biz anyway. This is such a great way to do just that.

I will stop by and let you know how things are progressing when time allows. I work part time as a school bus driver and also in an Insurance office (very part time). These two jobs give me the ability to work my mlm biz. I have been able to quit my other job driving for Red Cross on wknds and stay at home. What a treat that has been.

I was given a gift of my first dog ever last July 1st 2003. I now have a new baby girl named Daisy, a toy yorkie of 4.2 pounds. She is such a cute little thing. You can view us on my Home Page.

My 19 yr old son is moving out in July, into a Frat house. Oh yeah! I'm glad that he is going back to school and so proud of him for getting his Real Estate License here in Southern CA. He has one college year under his belt and took off a year in order to get his life together enough to support himself while finishing school. Yippee... I am so proud!

He threatened to move out when I got my dog, he is still here almost a year later? I find that humorous. :)

I will miss him but Daisy will help to comfort me in my new journey. She is such a sweet thing and doesn't ever want money or car keys. I can hardly wait till she gets this pooping and peeing thing down... I'm doing the paper training. This is the only system she has respected enough to even attempt without a huge mess. :) I have a wonderful little Yorkie Site. Join us.

Well, enough for now. I will tell you much more about me next time. I will focus on what it is I'm doing here in the MLM world.

Take care of yourself. -Diane :)